Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Happy Hump Day!

Happy Wednesday everybody!  Today is day 8 of our 31 day spending fast.  Things have not been as easy as I naively, I mean originally, thought that they would be.  My dearest husband forgot his lunch on Monday.  And since I didn't want him to starve on his first day of his new job, I authorized an unexpected purchase of a lunch for $5.84.  But I am proud of him for looking for a special to buy instead of just getting whatever looked good and spending twice as much. 

I have also been doing things at home to save money.  I don't have a lot of time in the mornings, so I usually eat a Jimmy Dean or Marie Calendar frozen breakfast sandwich.  I can't even tell you how much those cost, but I'm sure they're not cheap.  So in the spirit of lower our grocery bill, I decided to make a large breakfast casserole and cut it up for breakfasts this week.  I made the casserole on Monday and we have been eating on it all week.  And I think that it is way yummier than a frozen sandwich, if I do say so myself!  :)  I also made homemade granola bars that the kids love!  Saving money and I'm sure it's better for them as well.  Win, win!

I also wanted to explain that the money totals that I am giving on this blog do not include our bills that we have to pay every month, such as our mortgage, car payments and utility bills.  I figure that right now there is not much I can do to lower those costs so I'm going to focus on the ones I do have some control over. 

I hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday and I will see you back here soon!

forgotten lunch: $5.84


January 7 TOTAL:  $164.07

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